Friday, January 11, 2013

Wise Guy With Wisdom

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:12

A recent visit from one of our favorite couples, a Brooklyn born Italian and Queens bred Yugoslavian got me thinking about New York and its standout uniqueness from the rest of the world. They had driven the Eastern seaboard on a quick snow bird escape and landed on our humble doorstep with the sheer wonderful intensity that can only come from their urban abode. With a familiar vowel pattern and Burrough specific accent she simply said, "It's so dauk everywhere else, I guess we awrrr just so spoiled in New Yawk."
Spoiled. What a funny way of describing the lack of light pollution and street lamps in other big towns and small cities scattered beneath their Empire State. "I mean whaut do people do to entertain themselves heeeya, rub two sticks togetter...We awrr spoiled."

A sense of sadness set in as we stood there hugging on our rather dark wooded lot. A knowing that if you aren't a part of it, you're missing it. I've experienced the dizzying elation of complete captivation NY handed me. And these days, I feel so far removed from all things intoxicating. Yet the more we talked, the narrower the focus of thought became evident and an image of my true self appeared in my forefront as J.R.R Tolkiens words washed over me and cleansed my clouded thoughts.
~All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost.~

I've known different. I've tread other paths. I have thrived in a fly speck in Southern Indiana, dwelt in luxury in a Caribbean seaside villa, survived in a rat infested tool shed, shown grace on a cold concrete floor of an African coffee plantation, grew too fast in an inner city, chased a dream at the epicenter of the world, and am now growing a family in a small coastal town.
Limited scope is a cup of poison I have refused to drink, instead choosing to get drunk on the growing pains and pleasures of expanding my world's horizon. This has been right for me.

Spoiled? Just Blessed.

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