Thursday, February 21, 2013

This Is Your Brain on Pregnancy

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

I'm drawn to the color orange these days. I think it has to do with my longing for the infamous cup of Mud Coffee Coco sludge with steamed half and half I'd treat myself to on a frosty morning on 9th Street with the sun filtering through the hope springs eternal Ginkgos.
That's one answer.
The other could be, the accent wall in what will become baby's room is orange. And I find myself staring at it, slack jaw with anticipation for the moment again when I can savor a hot, dark cup of Joe that doesn't make my heart race with jitters and turn my already burning chest on cinder blocks into an active environment of pure lava.
Until then, I will sip this faint brown water, bang on my computer keys, and sing in a shrill voice "Those Were The Days, when all it took was ground beans to makes me smile and some good, primitive, sex to get my uterus to contract.

Now, I just focus on it.
And like I watched pot. It doesn't boil.

Here's what has been the biggest surprise of the powerful life force growing inside me...
 In my last month, I have managed to shrug off celebrities and posers Barak Obama and Tiger Woods engaging in a game of golf on an exclusive course on yet another presidential vacation despite press corps' aggravation.
And this woman who painted Zeta Reticule aliens on my college apartment walls, who is passionate about the moon and stars and drinks from a Roswell mug, just simply uttered the words Asteroid and Meteor as if I was saying hello and goodbye.
Cop killers, lovers quarrels, decomposing bodies in hotel's drinking water cisterns, liberals hypocrisy of turning the other cheek to their savior's love for killer drones all have become muted background noise in a once deafening world.

 And as the lost  and rather loudworld has continued to spin around me, the more I've gone inward.
The more I've resided inside, the more peaceful I've become.
And in this relative peace, I've realized that while my pelvis seizes up and my middleweight MMA Fighter clobbers and kicks my rib cage well after the bell has the words of Metallica great James Hatfield...because of this new being...NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

"Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters..."

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