Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mrs. Sunshine

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. The discerning heart seeks knowledge but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly. All the days of the oppressed are wretched,
but the cheerful heart has a continual feast." Proverbs 15:13-15

Undecideds are an absolute enigma to me. Do they not know what they believe in? Or do they have this much difficulty deciphering between night and day as well?

There is a level of peace that has come over me regarding this election's results. And it has to do with the notion that I wholeheartedly believe we deserve what we get whether that be continual punishing or a gradual replenishing of our sense of strength and nationalism.

I do not want a celebrity president or a cowardice Commander in Chief. Right now, that's what I have. Still, what I may have to endure.


I had a foggy vision last night as I tossed my new forward weight from right elbow to left shoulder. If I recall, it was between my bouts of beating the crawling sensation from my thighs and buttocks with  closed fists and chasing a Benadryl with brewed garlic clove tea to break up the cinder block of mucus that has formed on my susceptible and growing pregnant chest.

But of course my timeline could be off.
After the fourth train passed through my backyard with the conductor asleep on the horn, I peed for the eighth time, marveled at another vanishing roll of toilet paper, blew my nose with the last ply, and caught a glimpse of my ruddy complexion in the mirror.
It could have been near this moment that in my subdued horror,  I vaguely remember thinking I'm not one of those women who have that proverbial pregnancy glow.

I'm the one that needs convincing. But believe it or not, 40 weeks is a SHORT gestation period.
And 22 weeks in, I realize I will regret focusing so much of my energy outward on my political stance and not more inward on my own blessed state.

After all, isn't it about finding the joy?

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