Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Turn To Shine

"He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority" Acts 1:7

Flat Bush Avenue does not resemble one stitch of home.
Lined with wig outlets, barbershops, $5 Plus Size Fashion stores, and greasy Dim Sum stalls with freshly caught fish laying on the sidewalk; We've arrived in deep south Brooklyn and I adore it.

My Teamster driver talks to me about coming from a long line of family members married to the union. We seem to hit every pothole and barely dodge the men selling bottled water in the graffiti covered median.
I close my eyes to catch a quick glimpse of daylight rest since the knockoff handbag brigade greeted me early on Canal Street.

I wait in the musty basement of a circa 1900 home full of Little League Trophies and antiquated exercise equipment relaxing my brow and my fist pumping arm I've been shaking at a slimmed down John Goodman while avoiding Camera B.
There's a little satisfaction in the fact casting booked me as an angry protestor and not another upscale woman at a party. I eat two pieces of chocolate to celebrate the small victory and get me through the next scene.

Ring. Ring.



"Hi, we're doing re shoots on the movie where you were an upscale party guest, are you available?"


"You will receive three waivers and have Screen Actors Guild eligibility."

"Formal gown and heel is what I do best!"

Hell if the shoe fits, I'm dancing ecstatically in it....

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Giving God ALL the Glory!!!!
As my 784 day search comes to an end.

Ain't it amazing the difference a day makes?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great. Congratulation on the SAG eligibility. Tenacity pays off!
