Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Chains Are Gone

"For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

Dear Friends,

I write this to you from a legendary advertising agent's apartment, overlooking the quintessential New York Chelsea Hotel. The neon sign is waning.
I am sitting on the black carpet of the sex lair staring into the infinity tub that stands prominently the middle of the living room. Various Karma Sutra statuettes, stuffed gold alligators, and phallic cobras provide the sexual element needed for a straight out of Vanity Fair/ Tom Ford photo shoot.
The back lit shelves of designer shoes lead your eyes to the wall of bay windows stretching the length of the space.
 I can see open sky and a near full moon. The gold lame covered daybed is within eye shot from my perch and the scantily clad "18 year olds" are scattered amongst the black lacquered furniture. The featured Oil on Canvas of the Pope raising an embellished chalice isn't offensive until you notice the nervous gerbil on his shoulder.
Handcuffs sit on the side table and Fifty Shades of Grey the Trilogy is a close reach from the half empty bottle of Astroglide. It is midnight.

Though it may read like a pornographic prison in which I dwell. I actually feel free.

I apologize for the flat out lack of minor communication and simple musings. For the last 96 hours, I have been in a dusty squad room, excruciatingly small interrogation room, and a mice ridden observation room.  Held against my will, being practically force fed pork ribs, licorice twists and crumb cake on an hourly basis and subject to the powers that be.... or as of this morning....powers that were.

One of our number one head honcho's legs were cut from beneath him this morning; With seven days left, a senior producer got his walking papers, leaving everyone with their weary mouth's open, wondering if their job is secure and worrying about whose ass they need to kiss to keep it.

Despite it's regularity, it is still quite the spectacle to witness how a man places his worth and fate in another man's hand.

When will we learn?

A Wiser Me

* See for yourself....The Black Apartment...>>

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