Monday, July 30, 2012

Button Bustin Proud - Literally

"For he strengthens the bars of your gates; he blesses your children within you." Psalm 147:13

I've been thinking of starting a new blog.

In trend with a new beginning.

Here are some of the name's I am mulling over.

"Nobody Told Me There Would Be Days Like These"

"What The F*ck Is Happening to My Body?"

"Peaches N Scream" (Although that would be more of the same)

"I Just Threw Up Another $6 Smoothie."

"My Peach Pit"

The choices are limitless really, so for now I'll just proclaim the obvious.

I'm having fun spelling with shells and we're gonna have a....


  1. So excited for you and I like the "My Peach Pit" idea, but Freedom of Peach is also still very solid. I think you should keep it! Are you on the road now to Wilmington? I can't wait to come visit you. I really am curious about the city and excited to see your new setup. Maybe by then you'll be feeling great and glowing!

  2. Congratulations and best of luck with all that.
