Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What We Allow is What Will Continue

"We live now upon an island amid many perils, and our hands are more often upon the bowstring than upon the harp." Haldir from The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R Tolkien

Our vehicle's windows were smashed out with a bat last night, less than forty yards away from my baby's sleeping head.  A simple case of vindictive vandalism.
I'm seething and not because of the inconvenience or the monetary loss. But because I've become a victim of this inconsequential world in which we've allowed. A byproduct of the haves and the entitled have nots is a fearless culture with a voracious appetite for instant gratification with no regard for how it is fed or the mess left behind.

We don't punish anymore!
And if I wasn't suffering from such lack a sleep, my fingers would have been wrapped so tightly around a trigger, that consequences wouldn't be a matter of discussion this early hour and the police report would look quite different.

Today, we remember the senseless and brutal attack on America's soil and our people twelve years ago. Benghazi's tragic events and their occurrence still goes unanswered. And now our nation sits on the brink of responding to the atrocities of a dictatorship and his use of chemical weapons on the innocent.
 If America is the anchor for global security...will we be uphold our stance, have we become pacifists or are we just sick and tired of intervening in someone elses' war?

In the address to implore our support for an attack on Syria, Our President said last night "The United States Military does not do pinpricks." Any message we send will be received...
And in rare form, Obama spoke no truer words than "sometimes resolutions and statements of condemnation are simply not enough." Active retribution is required. **
But is it really up to us to enforce our rules of ideals and principles? The answer is yes.
But instead of being the world's neighborhood watchman, seems our own turf would be a better start. And even in that, we are missing the mark.

As I stood in the street scattered with broken glass, I told the responding police officer this morning very similar words. His tactics weren't working. That he had to do more than drive around the block an extra time to deter the criminals.
Or what we allow will continue.

**Disclaimer: This is not a pro-war post

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