Friday, October 8, 2010

The Ten Percent

"Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment." 1 Timothy 6:6

Oh I feel like a naughty sexually oppressed soccer mom...letting the hot coffee slide down my throat as I watch the boys from the FDNY unleash the building pressure of the gushing hydrant below my window...
They sure do grow them hearty in the Northeast.

I'm obviously smack dab in the middle of my ovulation cycle.
And my more than willing husband is at work.

What's a girl to do?


Plum thrilled there is a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright out there handling mental illnesses with harmony. Our struggle to handle the pain and the inner conflict to maintain a solid image just doesn't get the critical acclaim it warrants.

It's all a load of nonsense anyway, wrapped up in a perfect package with unraveling threads; Where people hide their grief, insecurities, and measuring stick behind a pleasant facade while inside they're kicking and screaming to hold the glue together for one more day.

I'd rather let it all hang out.

Like moaning with a friend, reflecting on our burning childhood desires, still unfulfilled in our 30's over creamy piles of Alfredo.
Something about reading each others purple stained lips of despair gives meaning to the rat on a fast track in a locked cage life we find ourselves living the second week of October.

Is Kerouac correct...will we wake up from this exhausting exotic dream?


"The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something." Randy Pausch

My head hurts.

Thinking I should rework my news reel with my best Crystal Carrington segment and Papa Don't Preach out takes.

Thresholds have different girths.
Tolerance levels have extreme depths.

So why question my relentless chase for contentment?

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