Wednesday, June 1, 2011


No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

The conscious choice to steer clear of my passionate involvement in politics has only made room for more frustrations and I can only look at Trump and Palin's power play dinner over slices of NYC pizza as amusing and the first move in a long, drawn out chess game.

New York hasn't changed.
I have. And it's all I can say.

I stare at this blank screen and blinking cursor with a mind that hasn't lived in the present but ten paces ahead of it's crowded self.
I think of readers.
But mostly I think of how life is rapidly passing me by and I'm caught in a fruitless jet stream of an actor's life for me, leading me further away from home base and my purpose.

From dodging the angry flexing of the skin head screaming and spitting on the corner that I'm trying to cross to dropping off my pleading letter and fading head shot to the casting agent who won't return my call; All before I drop $900 down to the Screen Actor's Guild representative as he shakes my hand and welcomes me into the land of opportunity and option to the Devil's Playground of fame (Hooray for me, this is actually a huge feat) Doing this in route to another rejection, ( I mean audition, Freudian slip) I stun the local shaman with scripture as tries to beckon me to join in his breath and experience the calm in a city of 8 million in 90 degree heat.
I find it near impossible at the end of the day to summon the happy and spread the sunshine of contemplation and consideration of life, liberty, and the luck of the hand we draw as we chase the horizon and the dreams that dance at the edge of our reach.

So instead of writing, I meet with a psychotherapist at an institute known for crazy but mostly their sliding scale and vomit out my formative years and give him fodder for a best selling novel which people will read and thank whomever they believe for the life they were given, instead of mine.

Now tell me, what's wrong with this picture?

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