Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sometimes Salvation?

"Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else." Galatians 6:4

I'm ready to run.
I'm used to it. I normally have a threshold of approximately three years in a place. But ever since the sun started its descent at 4PM and the radiant heating clinks and tinks its late night lullaby, I'm ready to pack it in and say mission accomplished.
Mission being, New York... Success accomplished in New York, well that's relative.

Six weeks of bible study with (gasp) Rick Warren has done very little to fuel me forward in my contentment. In fact, his paraphrasing the bible and littering the book with personal inflections has done more to infuriate my already stress filled heart.

Disclaimer: For any one who is searching for the Truth, Reading Purpose Driven Life may point you in the right direction, but it is NOT The Bible.

But finally Hallelujah, chapter 32 got my attention. "Using what God gave you", wasn't news to me but a hard punch of a notion, I had forgotten.

Of course, I had let the latest fashion trip me on my scuffed heels and toss me towards the ring of fire in this dark city. I had done what Satan wanted me to do.
I've compared and conformed to those around me, forgetting my unique gifts, my personal testimony, my particular strengths.

I am an Evangeliser. I have been my entire life. I've built relationships based on His shining light inside me. I've navigated journey's with His enduring strength. I've experienced gain through His Glory. I've reaped all rewards by His hand.
And I've continuously shared this recipe with others.

Lately, I've ceased being a workman of God who is not ashamed of the truth and in that misstep, I've drastically missed the mark.

The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose. --C. S. Lewis

What would happen if all your ways, became His?

1 comment:

  1. "I am an Evangeliser."

    It's funny. Since I met you on one of my very first corporate showbiz TV extra jobs, I've had the feeling that we have been on kind of parallel paths.
    As you know I don't really approve of big entertainment at all because I see it as really only and increasingly about making the biggest possible profit for the share holders of the giant corporations that own the media outlets. Since I for some reason feel that money as the be all and end all, the ultimate goal, is a sort of devil's game mindset, I always in the back of my mind know that I'm playing around on the devil's court, playground.

    As an "Evangeliser" could not the same types of skills, and craft, be used more directly is service to what you really are instead of trying to fit, disguise oneself as a loyal and true believing, willing to compromise core beliefs, servant of Rome?

    You see. I constantly ask myself the same question.
    Please forgive any presumption, projection in this comment.
