Friday, April 16, 2010

Eat Crow

"In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has." Proverbs 21:20

I recently read an article discussing the parallel between a cities food culture and the shape of its people.

New Yorker's stand in line for thick gooey slices of pizza in Brooklyn, the richest Red Velvet Cakes in the Bronx, melt in your mouth indulgent pork belly on the West, and hand rolled sauteed dim sum in the East. They brag they were the first to devour the bacon wrapped foie gras at Daniel or the herbed pomme frittes fried to perfection in duck fat at Minetta.
They are in the front row of celebrity spin class at 5 AM, avid hot Bikram sweaters, and Pilates fanatics. They run meeting to meeting, chasing their dreams with a vengence and shedding their extra pounds in adrenaline angst.

So enough with the comments about my weight. Cease all ridicules you may have. Stop with the, is she starving herself concern. And turn your attention inward.

On an average day, I walk four to five miles a day uphills, steps, and avenues. I attend boot camp and pole dance, run miles for relief, take a healthy dose of half and half in the morning, eat bone marrow,Magnolia's cupcakes, bloody juicy burgers, heaping cheesy bowls of papardelle, and bags of Kettle chips. Light beer does not cross my lips, I split bottles of wine with women with smaller frames than myself and I live life...continuously.
A large majority of my pleasure comes from food and drink. I eat for fuel and for fun.

I am sorry you walk into a garage attached to your kitchen, drive 2 hours in traffic to work,sit at your desk at a job you despise, eat processed protein bars and potato skins and waste an inkling of a calorie on Michelob Ultra, and tell yourself the lies that it tastes good.

Quit telling me what I am too much or too little of and examine yourself.

How about a slice of humble pie?

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