Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hardly Taxing

If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”- Romans 13:7

Yeah I've decided I want to be a writer.
Partially because the state of NY owes me based on my W2's plus the lifestyle....

Leave the house at noon and linger over my veggie burger with the sun directly overhead for a two hour lunch discussing the health benefits of micro sprouts and garlic fries while drinking lukewarm water and dreaming of my hot follow up espresso.
All before I walk languidly past the skate park and take a seat on a bench with an unabashed full view of the young long haired T-shirt clad boys who never heard of Vision Street Wear but possess no fear. I'll eventually find my way to the cafe across the street to meet a fellow drifter and sip a frosty Pale Ale in my 20 year old Cashmere V-neck worth more moth holes and memories then the fifty dollars I paid for it.
We'll bounce our theories of space on a time continuum versus living life in a vacuum. He'll chide me for my beliefs and ask me if I want to visit his crystal shop for a little enlightening.
As the sun starts it's descent, I will retreat underground to my favorite Asian body shop and grunt for effect.
Finally, I'll shuffle up the steps of my brownstone in my flip-flops with the New York Post (now old news) under my arm, throw open the fire escape window, and smell the ganja smoke rise from the street as the Puerto Rican in glasses schmoozes the women meter maids below, and put my pen to paper.

Yes, as a published writer living in Manhattan, these are how I will fill my days and my pages.

You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you. ~Ray Bradbury

Have you paid your necessary dues?

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