Monday, February 22, 2010

Dying Now Vying

"Such is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the lives of those who get it." Proverb 1:19

My Examiner editor told me I should write about Lindsey Lohan posing on the cover of the French magazine Purple with her arms outstretched as though hanging on a crucifix and a crown of thorns placed on her head.

My first response...Who?

Oh right, the trouble making cocaine and painkiller addict whore turned lesbian stuck in the middle of angry tirades between a loose mom and a deadbeat druggie dad who all prostitute themselves to the tabloids. A spiritually homeless, perpetual rehabber and DUI offender, could have had the world by the balls young actress, but instead is posing for a low grade outlet for over hyped media gain. Fire Crotch Flasher. That girl...

My second response...Who cares?

As the Evangelical Examiner for New York...I have no desire to waste my articles or time on giving wasted media attention to a wasted effort. Although, the vacuous content would gain me more equally vacant readers, I will utilize the allotted space to give my praise to the one and only Lord and Savior not a has been celebrity doing a poor impersonation of Him.

Now what's that popular expression all the youngsters use these days.....Just Saying?

1 comment:

  1. If we talk about these people, they are MORE talked about. If we Click on an item concerning them, the online paper sees this as interest and will generate more copy concerning their antics to get more Clicks. If we ignore these people they will go away, I promise.
    You are correct in focusing on what you deem worthy.
