Wednesday, February 3, 2010


"The bows of the warriors are broken, but those who stumbled are armed with strength." 1 Samuel 2:4

A wonderful thing is a Tigger, Tigger's are wonderful things, their tops are made out of rubber, their bottoms are made out of strings..they're bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy oh so fun, fun, fun.

The super human ability to bounce back is defined in one word. Resilience.

The level of resilience humans can contain in their fibers is based on their already established emotional and mental health. Often those of us who put our faith and hope in the greater good of a higher power or those of us that have listened to Bob Marley's Three Little Birds one to many times have a stronger belief that every little thing is gonna be alright......Cue the bouncing.
But when you are under trauma's water and peddling against the naysayers drone.."Oh this economy" then sometimes God's or Reggae's voice is too faint to hear.

Here's what I am discovering about New York, there are people who are extremely successful in their 9 to 5 job living a lie, not specifically designed for them nor generating pleasure to their soul, but at quitting time, they pay their ten dollar cover and two drink minimum to console their heartache and hobnob with the other fat wallets because we are after all pleasure seekers and gotta make the most of life....
There are those of us who are steadfastly chasing a dream that stirs our hearts and souls with such fire that it keeps us headstrong into the wind despite the rejection, upheavals, disruptions, de-railings, doubt, and various pitfalls of the passionate yet quicksand plent freelancers world. We bring the flask to the bar and repeat ourselves in a melancholy tone that life is meant to be vibrantly lived, all the while reminding ourselves we are not at the MERCY of the powers that come to crush us.

“And thus, like the wounded oyster, he mends his shell with pearl.” Emerson

What happens when a rubber band reaches its limits?

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