Sunday, August 2, 2009

Caveat Potor

"Woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks, who stay up late at night till they are inflamed with wine." Isaiah 55:11

I recently read an article by a medical professor at the Mayo Clinic saying the best approach to a hangover is avoiding the over imbibing in the first place.
And if you are experiencing the severe nausea, dizziness, gag reflux, and headache that often accompanies a evening of overindulgence then in his words, you're screwed.
Only time can heal the self-inflicted wounds.
The Hair of the Dog that Bit You....using the ails that ails you. Was it Hemingway who said writers write? And drinkers drink?
And he was the master at hangover remedies...tomato juice and beer.

Tried and not so true.
Water, Water, and more Water
Ice Cold Coca-Cola
A steamy platter of greasy Ethiopian food.
Face down in a hot shower.
An Orgasm
A tall spicy Bloody Mary on the road.
Drive through the Blue Ridge Mountains.
A hug from a dear old friend standing on the familiar grounds of my character building camp I spent thirteen summers of my life...
Let's get a drink.

Is your cup running over?

1 comment:

  1. Drinking is just too destructive. I've never been a fan, and I've seen some friends, younger than I, get old fast with that stuff.
    It's just an inefficient drug when you consider the side-effects.
