Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Gambler

"I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and salvation. I do not conceal your love and your truth from the great assembly." Psalm 40:10

Today gave me more incentive to launch ( SOON COME)

My First Amendment has been compromised for the second time since I started this blog.
The first time being when I questioned the 1947 Roswell cover up and the likelihood of other beings living amongst us...I woke up to find my entire blog's contents deleted. And then today, feeling a little hazy from my girls night out and fired up..I clicked on my site to jog the memory up my rant, and sure enough Google and or Blogger had erased the majority of my entry. Apparently they don't like me questioning and or fearing my government.
Ahh if it isn't politics, it's propaganda. And it's all tainted with conspiracy.
There is no way to keep the truth under wraps or in the dark.
It grows damp, develops mildew, and permeates stink.

Isn't there any more original honest thoughts out there....?
I'll give you old girlfriend and sorority sister and I had a fresh reunion last night. Over a few bottles of Pinot Grigio and Red Hot's Karaoke, she shared with us the absolutely giddy and novel concept of the rockin road of revolving door dating and her approach to wild success. Always have in hand, A Pair and A Spare. Know when to hold em, know when to fold em.
And she won the lot.

Here's to playing with options...

Are you out of aces?

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