Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Scary New World

"Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God." Romans 8:8

“Governments don't control things. A government can't control the economy without controlling people.”
Ronald Reagan

No, I didn't tune into the news, watch O'Reilly, stumble across Limbaugh, or stop cold on Glenn Beck. Sat across from my hand to mouth, tumbleweed, Texas born and bred God loving father and got all worked up. This is our life. Let's take control you blind mofo's.

You know what makes America so different than any other country in God's green Earth?

In the history of the world there have been dictatorships, monarchs, kings, and communist rulers. We are the ONLY country where it is up to the people to decide and govern themselves.
Seventy-one percent on this nation polled says NO to Universal Health care but they are going to cram it down our throats anyway...As long as there is a serf class that will support their under the thumb rule, we will lose it all. We will lose the very fiber that makes us great.
We villainies banking, manufacturing, investments, and insurance and soon government will be the ultimate reign. The repressive regime of a invasive and individual rights encroaching government will grow. And George Orwell would have just been off by 25 years.
A ninety year old woman who I have known since I was seven years old said to me today..."I guess I'm gonna be alright, but can you imagine we live in a country where the one's that work and save lose and the one's that charge and squander gain."
Yeah welcome to the next four years.
I can't believe how blind we have become. CHANGE? Really? He wants to be totalitarian.
How much longer can we be distracted by the ridiculous prattle going on about an under qualified justice about her gender and ethnicity..while our very own president appoints czars that are not congressionally sanctioned into positions of power and penalty.
I want America back and by the looks of the "Brooks Brothers" town hall meetings, they do too!
"I don't care if you inherited it from good ole boy grandpa or if you worked seven days a week to get it, NO ONE else should be able to take it from you or partake in it...."CT
Now let the dull roar rise up.

Do you hear the people sing
Singing the songs of angry men.
This is the music of the people who will not be slaves again. Les Miserables

Is this the country you want to claim?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, America was built upon consumerism, yes, we have been under the assumption that we needed those things which Madison Avenue says we need. There are many things which we need to be shed of to be free, however to stay free we need truth. There are truths such as a man's hunger will drive him. Picture Scarlett with the root in her hand looking towards the heavens exclaiming "With God as my witness I will never be hungry again." Note where her feet were planted, on the earth which was her heritage. If we give up what God has given us, then we are destined to be war like stealing and lying and cheating. America is our heritage if we give it up, only the unthinkable can happen. America will resemble a third world country. We will not give up our heritage as long as we know the truth. A lie is a lie no matter who says it. We handle truth and speak truth and that which is false will differ enough that we will drop it like a hot potato. When does a fire stop consuming? When it is extinguished by the "living water" else when there is nothing left to consume. "The Nothing" remains. Wake up Americans, shake yourselves and say we are not going to take it anymore. I will never be hungry again.
