Saturday, September 12, 2009


"In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." 1 Timothy 6:19

Just a thought?
Do the liberally fiscal leftists lack depth and discipline so much that they want the government to spoon feed them information and control their decisions?
I am proud of Americans who believe in freedom of choice and personal responsibility who don't want socialism thrust down their throat's....If my theory is true, it is good to be the wise warrior in this fight. Like I said, just a thought.

"As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do." ~Zachary Scott

Our separation once dubbed The Hudson, now together has morphed into THE RUMBSPRINGA. Translated into running around and comes from the time in the Amish Youth's life when they voluntarily expose themselves to what the outside world has to offer. All it has to offer...
Yes, I am likening my husband and I to the religious 16-21 age bracket who have been living a limited and sheltered existence who step out to embrace modern pleasures and experience simple vices before they sign their names to the "settled life."
Rule enforcement is relaxed. A little rebellion encouraged. Bed Courtship practiced. And our rite of passage into wedded bliss begins...

So it's making love and burning Nag Champa. Dipping hot buttered Nan in greasy Tandoori chicken in front of a sitar player wearing Air Jordan's. Walk in the rain. Haggle for Rolex knock offs on Canal Street. Drink beers in our pj's, catch a little pigskin, buy our train tickets to the beach and relax all on a God given New York Saturday afternoon.

Who coined the expression, act your age anyway?

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