Friday, September 18, 2009

Oy Vey!

"Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him." Jon 12:37

Young Men's Christian Association. Founded by Evangelicals for refuge from the growing crime in the streets as a place for prayer and bible study in the late 1800's.
Healthy Spirit. Mind. Body. And a favorite disco classic.

I finally bit the bullet and joined my neighborhood Y, dragged myself to the door, payed my dues, scooted through the train of 4 years olds dripping wet after swim class, and climbed aboard a machine..Barely breaking a sweat, a woman taps me on the shoulder and tells me they are closing in ten minutes. On a Friday? I replied.
It's Shabbat?
Do what?
Shrugging my shoulders and feeling quite robbed , I mumble to myself about the inconvenience of spending my money today but that I will get a great workout tomorrow, my first day off.
That's when I hear two workers consorting about closing up shop for the weekend.
Escuse me? I barked.
There the two most holy days of the whole year. We close.
Now, I've been a Christian my whole life and as far as I know, Christmas and Easter never fell in September.
Turns out my Y is Jewish owned which should explain the tower of Challah in the window as a parting gift, not to mention the man hugs and Happy New Year Greetings.
Looks like I am pounding the pavement this weekend.
Y might stand for Yiddish but what about the C?

I tell you what, only in New York.

He's my Savior, how come He isn't theirs?

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