Saturday, December 12, 2009

Come Out, Come Out

"For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.But everything exposed by the light becomes visible." Ephesians 5:12-13

Watching my cream in my coffee make beautiful swirls at the surface. I'm going to drink you up hot coffee goodness...

Wasn't it our favorite boy Hank who said, "Your cheating heart will tell on you."?

You know I hadn't mentioned it before but now that our Tiger has finally admitted to joining the pile of decrepit dusty bones so many selfish and weak have fallen prey to, I feel his shocking downfall needs to be addressed.
Infidelity is running ramped and the steadily heated climate we all are slowly adjusting to blinds us to the fact that it is dead wrong. The devil is doing a fantastic job with temptation, luring, and lowered expectations for those who take vows and pledge to stand behind them.

Cheating is the ultimate in deception and anyone who continuously partakes and claims to be a squeaky clean citizen while whining on the golf course deserves to have the living shit beat out of him with the very weapon that gives him a false sense of power. No, not his dick. A 5 Iron.

On a lighter note, Disney pays beautiful homage to the way Charles Dickens wrote it, reminding all of us, we need a dose of fear of God to remember the spirit of Christmas and lend good will to our fellow man.

What are you hiding?

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