Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Shin, Shin, Punch, Punch

"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12

Whoo Hoo a New York college got a little bud of stimulus cash to investigate the combined effect of Malt Liquor and Marijuana on young adults. Who gets to be part of the case study?

And as if watching Precious and the tragedy of an illiterate, overweight, victim of incest Harlem girl's life battle was not oppressive enough, as the credits roll, we must endure a toe to toe expletive ridden argument between a highly inappropriate Mexican couple and a horrendously irresponsible pair who brought their five year old to an NC-17 spotlight on the horrific. Where is Rodney King and his catchy saying when we need him?

Three gals can't get to a French Bistro,sip our wine, and discuss the sexuality of our Parisian server like dignified human beings quick enough....

And speaking of enough. Enough is Enough.
Its time to bust out the big guns. I have loose ideas but just like writing research papers I have a hard time manufacturing a thought into a fleshy tangible product.
Therefore I have called on the assistance of my second favorite comedian (first being my husband according to our vows) and well respected right of the left writer.
Please enjoy some of his work:

It is time to take Freedom of Peach into the streets of New York and into the hearts of its equally opinionated occupants. Regardless of their adverse reactions, I will air my beliefs and follow suit in the spirit of their favorite hero and call a beer summit if any body's feelings are hurt. I must ask the hard fact finding questions,...

For Example:

Every single day delivery trucks pull onto St. Mark's Place to deliver frozen meat pies, cases of eggs, kegs of beer, fresh fish, and various head shop glass wares to revenue building shopkeepers. And the abusing power Traffic Enforcement is there waiting to write them double parking tickets...
I yell at my window...Not, can't the city come up with an alternative for these necessary means but.....What Would Jesus Do?? I get the finger from the man in blue...
Now where I come from...them's fighting words..

Can you believe this town?

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