Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holy Hype!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

My celebratory bottles of wine clink together the tune of Jingle Bells as I jump banks of coal colored snow to dodge the bustling package bearing masses as they rush to the next cash register...

Is the fact that the tradition of Christmas is so ingrained in our culture reason enough to accept going through the meaningless motions?

When the act of giving gifts to show you care becomes a laborious chore or a hurt feelings obligation, maybe then is the time to second guess why we rack our brains and break our banks to find the perfect something for that distant someone.

Frankincense, Myrrh, and Gold given by three magi for the Christ child (toddler) is the holy sentiment we have heinously commercialized. And once again we've lost our way.

Rome is demanding a census.....let's get back to our roots.

Rejoice and sing Hallelujah Christ is born. Come let us adore Him. Christ our Lord. Emmanuel. Hallelujah. Let Every Heart prepare Him room...

Or have you lost sight in the twinkling lights of Merry, Merry Marketing?

1 comment:

  1. The Magi brought gifts to show forth who Jesus was. King and Priestly gifts they brought. What do the gifts we receive say about us. I hope that we are loved and that we are accepted. Just as I hope for this season many learn to love and accept God's gift to all.
