Sunday, January 17, 2010

Flap and Coast

"In everything he did he had great success, because the LORD was with him." 1 Samuel 8:14

'I take an anti-depressant but I find I need another chemically induced, pharmaceutically assisted pill to give me any kind of self worth.'
ARGHHHHH! Forgive me while I have no patience for that bullshit cop-out...
Pull yourself up, realize your blessed in relative comparison life and get on with this hard for all of us journey.

Human Interaction.
The cure all when I'm floundering in my existence and lost in the wood on a dismal rainy day.

This pursuit in passions is not an easy walk. It is putting one foot in front of the other despite the frequent setbacks and self defeating downfalls....
Believe me in a sane world, I would not have chosen the equally insane life careers of acting and writing. But since we don't choose our passions, they take us captive, I relent to the hardships it brings.

Advice over mid-day expensive hot coffee with a fellow performance sadist:
You must present a product. A product that can be widely adored or adamantly scorned amongst a general audience. And you must be that product all the time.

Advice over an early evening half-priced french bottle of wine with a grounded Columbia grad and beautiful new friend:
Everyday you're one step closer. You're on the path, keep walking....

In four days I will celebrate one year that I took this extraordinary leap.
Both Flying and Falling are part of the ride... And this is just the beginning.

Still snug and safe in your security?

**Golden Globes gave that added tush push I need.

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