Thursday, January 28, 2010

Out of the "Glass" Bowl...

"The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. Colossians 1:26

“I was an egregiously charming, able fellow, and it was at once a marked and curiously unimportant reflection on anyone’s taste if he thought otherwise.” JD Salinger

With Ernest Hemingway's encouragement....
He published his first short story in the New Yorker in 1948.

The author who's chief breathed animated life into The Laughing Man, who made a story about suicide, a sunny day at the beach, who made D-Day enchanting with Esme's affection.
A genius who defined and sculpted dialogue into a breathtaking piece of art, and made his characters psychological complexities understanding and sincere.
A man who fell so deeply in love with the people he created that he retreated inside of himself and into their life's saga in which he could unfold in imperfect peace.
He shook the literary world with a one shot to the gut with Catcher in the Rye, encompassing the bittersweet smell of teen angst that let all of us coming of age boys (and girls) have a rebellious hero to speak for us in this cynical world.

Holden Caulfield was right, there are indeed plenty of phonies in adulthood....

He tackled ego, fame, wealth, psychoanalysis, gossip, nervous breakdowns, depression, philosophy, art, religion, humanity, detachment, identity, love and death with a resounding voice, that for fifty years has remained silent.

In self imposed isolation, this prolific and enigmatic writer scorned adulation and turned his back on sensationalized success. And asked to be left alone.

He is the one main reason I love to write.
And as a devotee, I too must speculate...

Has he been hunched over a typewriter in his eerie reclusiveness unfolding his greatest pieces of fiction to date?

Jerome David Salinger raise high the roofbeams and rest in peace.1919-2010

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