Wednesday, January 27, 2010


They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD." 1:19

I knew he wouldn't eat a slice of humble pie and change his course so I didn't even rush home to watch the nonsense.

An external dialogue at 7:27 PM:

"Oh good for you Rockefeller 47-50 Street, good for you. Isn't that so nice to have a station called that. I'm so glad I live in the land of the free where I can drop a M-16 on the subway system. Oh isn't that nice Rockefeller.. Whatcha gonna do if I fly an M-16 here? Will you kiss the NYPD's ass? No, oh no because they will be on their knees saying, 'Bless you, Oh Bless the ground you walk on Bloomberg, Bless you Bloomberg, you can do no wrong. Yeah, arrest me, put me through the system, keep your water from me Bloomberg I tell you what, you put me through the system one more time, and Al Queda will look like a bunch of flowery faggots compared to me. Yeah, you won't be crying Al Queda, you'll be scared of me. And my M-16 NYPD. ARREST ME, ARREST ME, I'LL RUN STRAIGHT FOR YOU...."

He missed me giggling into my scarf but makes eye contact when I shake my head no. He comes screaming over at me and gets within inches of my face. I promise the entire train braced for impact. WHAT, he yells. I simply tell him I don't want him to get locked up.

"I appreciate that, but don't worry, I am have two nine millimeters stuffed in my jacket and if they come for me, the whole car is going out firing in a blaze of glory. That's right, we're all going down. Bam, Bam. Herald Square, oh that's real nice. Good for you Herald Square. They'll be there waiting for me to run me into the ground through their system."

And with that he backed out of the subway car and out of our lives.

Ahh rush hour....

Would we find similarities if we all voiced our struggles?

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