Monday, March 29, 2010

Downpresser Man

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

Despite that my seminary graduate turned Trader Joe's cashier told me he likes to get stoned and read Deuteronomy because he laughs so hard, he pees his pants. I still find worth in its intensity.

Two men stabbed on the subway in Greenwich Village and Manhattans murder toll spikes...
Suicide Bombers kill 38 on Moscow's underground train.
Security with back to walls and AK47's in hand.
I point out a swollen backpack abandoned on the 72nd Street Platform.
To my surprise, the rotund MTA worker reacts immediately.
Nose to Nose with hundreds of my closest friends stalled in a tunnel, I realize just how vulnerable we all are...
And decide to take a taxi to Nancy's Whiskey Bar for two Knob Creek's on Ice and some ACDC choosing above ground transport on this, (yes Karen Carpenter) rather tense rainy Monday night.

If you let fear cripple your actions, tell me where you gonna run to?

**And for those that can stand the pain...
It's me on Gossip Girl.

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