Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stand Back

"A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control." Proverbs 29:11

The Eastern Europeans have arrived and are swarming the streets of SOHO, filing in ques outside of H & M, and crowding the coffee counter at Dean and Deluca like their lives depended on it. I'm the aggravated fool that left the house on my one day off to brave the 40 degree blustery spring day along with the city's visitors who indecipherably converse in large circles with shopping bags in the middle of a should be fast moving pedestrian highway.

Looks like the manhole on 1st and 11th is feeling my pain.

You could hear it for blocks and see it miles out....excessive steam streaming out into the atmosphere. Trapped beneath the southern tip of Manhattan to 96th street, the surging energy Con Edison contains, violently thrusted itself into the air like a geyser and exploded for hours causing traffic congestion of rubber neckers and taxi pileups from impaired visibility. This supposedly FDA approved clean steam billowed out in front of a Patisserie landmark as the brave and belligerent bent over the hole with their iphones in hand to capture the boiling eruption and the FDNY arrived on the scene with the looks of a war torn city on fire, while most of us New Yorkers walked on by in a rush to get out of the cold.

Yep, with over 105 miles of mains and pipes under the streets, steam power is alive and well in Manhattan and its blowing hard tonight. And I'm in desperate need of a similar release.

Is a culminating climax a cure for what ails you?

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