Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Allure in a Bottle

The king is enthralled by your beauty;  honor him, for he is your lord" Psalm 45:11

" What I am is what I am. Are you what you are or what?" Edie Brikell

Last night a girlfriend told me that she was amazed that I am doing all of these odd jobs and throwing my hat into the circus ring called dabbling all for the sake of living in Manhattan.   I may be wearing plenty of top hats but without letting any kind of halo slip down and choke me, I have to say I am really only pursuing vocations in which I have more than a shred of interest in. That is, until today. 
 I took the E train this morning into Long Island City, Queens for a luxury skin care line training session to be a "mini" doctor for needing patients at Barney's Department Store...Not knowing that the indoctrination would go longer than 2 1/2 hours I had to slip out at the tail end before the tour of the industrial laboratory. However, sitting in front of gargantuan engineered muffins at the start of the morning, discussing the molecular bio cellular life altering nano complexes all in a simple jar of creme, I quickly realized I will never be a Cosmetic Counter Girl...but I knew that already.   Sure I would adore clear skin, I would appreciate looking younger than my age,(someone told me I could easily be a stand-in for Jennifer Anniston but I'm older than her...EEEK) or would enjoy learning how to reverse any damage I've done soaking up my more than ample doses of Vitamin D, but I am not a hustler and I know myself well enough to grasp that lacking quality.  I can not throw my 100% behind a beauty product and tell other human beings that a cleansing activator will heal their burdens or vanquish their sorrows.
No discredit to the passionate woman behind the innovative product or her thriving business. She is good at what she does. At WHAT SHE DOES. She is helping people feel better about themselves, she is on a mission to change people's minds about surgery/injection induced images. She Actually said these words, "I lost a friend to anti-aging. He was gay and fabulous and now he's dead." Others in the meeting chimed in that they also have had illegal silicon shot into their face. Oh Lord, This is not my world....As all the other beauty and health experts were taking a smoke break...I was handed a goodie back of samples to prove their "our product works theory".   

So get this mental picture, I'm hunkering down in my pj's with a crushed Xanax on my stress blister, icing the bunion, and applying the mask.
Isn't Beauty found in the eye of the beholder?

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