Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Usual Route (yawn)

" What you decide on will be done,  and light will shine on your ways." Job 22:28

Oh my, oh my God. I pray for patience and protection. I pray for guidance as I cruise down this rushing river of life. I pray for understanding through the mistakes and discernment in the quick decisions I make. As sharp rocks pop up in the middle of my path, put your hand on my choosing left or right. 
I believe that my daily actions are determining my immediate and eternal future. Despite, urgings from people I am meeting to pull back the reigns of my Christ belief, I believe there is only one way but many paths to be on in that journey. These opportunities come at us everyday. This blessing of free-will has a price called personal responsibility. A road not often taken...

Ah selection, Robert Frost wrote, "Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back."  I have always loved this poem because of my ongoing obsession with choices and making the right ones! And by taking the one less traveled by, that has made all the difference.  I have heard stories of plenty that begin with words like this..."I always wanted. I was going to. It used to be my. I dreamed of. Life or time just got in the way. 
 These precursors lay a breeding ground of resentment and a basket full of what ifs?  No thank you.
I did not want New York to be that forever unknown.
I've come to a few preferences in my life. Some have brought pain, shame, regret, and reward.
But the times I've looked down as far as I could not knowing what was around the bend have always had the fairer claim. 
I play fair, just not safe.

Do you believe in Never Too Late?

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