Saturday, March 21, 2009


"The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son." Matthew 22:2

Two months and counting...When I first started talking about living in Manhattan in my early 20's, my ideal commitment time was 2-3 years.  Then as time marched on and life got in the way, I had shaved it down to a mere, I'll live in NYC for one year. And just last year when I sat across from my husband and said. New York is not going away, it keeps rearing its head....I need just 3 months to scratch my insatiable itch . Tomorrow I'm entering my third month and I've only just begun to scrape the surface of it's skin.  What was I thinking? 

When you're visiting this city, your days consist of walking from one eatery destination to the next. Your schedule revolves around your appetite and your business around your reservation times. You don't truly experience the energy or the culture. Nor, do you grasp the wild adventure of schlepping your groceries on your shoulders ten blocks home at rush hour after a twelve hour workday.
 With that being said, I would much rather live in New York than visit... 
Despite the ample walking that occurs as a visitor, when you're eating greasy buffalo mozzarella Lombardi's Pizza, Chelsea Thai fish noodles, Delicatessen's crispy fish and chips and bacon sliders, and Balthazar's creamy chocolate anglaise washing it all down with stiff mojitos in one day, at some point the vacation has to cease and a routine must settle in.  
I love my husband visiting but it's high time he lived here too...
I'm damn near satiated.

Do you follow me?


  1. Your uplifting words, and your smile speak what is in your heart.

    Keep up the "God" work:)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
