Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quickly Quoted

"I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw" Proverbs 24:32

"We live in an enormous novel." JG Ballard

Or on a soundstage.

Happy 40th Birthday Sesame grow some balls and drop the political correctness ploy. You used to send a real message...

Here's a fun fact.
If I were to take a pencil and trace my steps on a map of Manhattan, it would look like a giant cursive lower case letter q.

Qualm Quaint Quality
Quadriceps Quintessential Quagmire
Quip Quandary Quarrel

The letter Q

In Paul Auster's New York Trilogy, his private detective protagonist follows a potentially dangerous absent minded psychopath through the streets of New York for a series of weeks over the course of a bitter winter. The deranged wanders about picking dried pieces of poop, discarded strands of string, and lost feathers from an unfortunate pigeon. In his meanderings he walks up, down, diagonal, and zig zagged, throwing off the intense sleuth until the eye begins to trace the strange man's steps in the shape of alphabetical letters which in turn spells out his worst nightmare....

The compulsion to invent. This is the necessity of a great fiction writer...
So far in my observations of New York City in the last 10 need to embellish has yet to surface. Using Manhattan has my central setting has lent itself to ceaseless and true material.
However, these words spray painted on a mural outside my window in the 7 AM sun remind me of the open manhole mere steps in front of me.
"The struggle to survive in the city can make you lose sight of your dream. Hang in there."
Dela Vega
This strikes an unpleasant chord the same day I read an article on why so many writers, dreamers, inquisitors, wanderers, lovers, creators move to East Village so they can laze about languidly, observe into the eccentricities of those lives around them, and find themselves whimsically inspired for their art.

I don't sit. I don't even pace. I race.. and with the risk of missing it all.
Thinking my seven day workweek could use a cutback.

As I desperately want to relate to the motto of Paul Auster himself..
"Writing is not longer an act of free will for me, it is a matter of survival." PA

Can you spell FOCUS?

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