Friday, February 27, 2009

Fast Learn

"Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come?  No man has power over the wind to contain it so no one has power over the day of his death." Ecclesiastes 8:7-8

With so much of our lives being left to our unknown, I wonder who nonbelievers ask the difficult questions that no man can answer. Such as why? When? How? What is my purpose? Am I on the right path? Or do they walk blindly and reflect on hindsight every step of their journey? 

Today was truly a day of rest.
 I have hit a wall. A little under the weather. Heavy chest. 
And unfortunately, sitting back at the drawing board. 
Lesson 1:  In the city's freelance market, you are always at the drawing board, planting seeds, thinking outside of the box, reinventing, and stretching your abilities.
 This is what gets people's attention. But there is no guarantee.
Lesson 2: If you get their attention, they want you to jump high, fast, and with a smile. Deadlines. Deadlines.
Lesson 3: (My least favorite) Upon completion of task comes THE WAITING GAME.
Waiting for feedback, waiting for the next project, waiting for the elusive paycheck....
This is what I am quickly having to accept and understand about NEW YORK.
No more projects at hand from Scholastic. And Examiner wants me to write a few more articles before I'm featured...which in code means payed.  The Casting Network keeps sending me jobs with (no blonde's) under the criteria. OY!
So again, I'm leaping into the abyss on a wing and prayer, not knowing what tomorrow brings but hoping with every fiber of my being, it's in New York.   I love this town...and I'm not leaving. I know that much.  
Tomorrow, You're only a day away...Get back on it

In the words of Curly while eating an orange. "At first you don't suck seed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed."

Are your cheeks sore yet?

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