Sunday, February 1, 2009

Flat On My Face

"He must become greater. I must become less." John 3:30

Lord, it's all about You. For Your glory and your fame. It's not about me. As if You should do things my way. You alone are God And I surrender to your ways...

This morning I went to a church in the West Village called Sacred Center. It was founded on September 9, 2001 and they recently moved into the basement of a public school. They proclaim to be a non-religious church accepting of everyone.... So we all walked through the open door.
A funky bass line wafted up from downstairs and we followed the groove down to service. The place was a'jumpin. All ages, race, creed, and lifestyle were clapping and dancing to the beat, raising their hands singing Rise Up. Rise Up. Rise Up and walk with God. Imagine the freaky jams of George Clinton, you with me? The second song was a theatrical solo performance with a broadway flavor, entitled I can do ALL things through God, okay NOW I was with them.... As the music was ending, my cheeks were sore from the laughter and booty shakin' celebration...I'm digging it.
One of the ministers took it to the stage and partially quoted Matthew 6:33 and in the same breath said Heaven is just a state of consciousness. Whoa! Hold on...Record Scratch. You lost me...
As a believer. Heaven is Eternal Life. And I don't plan on spending an eternity inside my head. I plan to spend it on my knees.
We prayed for "space" in our heart for our beloved to come. I prayed, Lord, take ALL of me.
The Reverend asked everyone to stand and chant.." I am open to receive all of life's riches." Repeat 10x...And asked all of us if we felt the vibe. Because that vibe is our prayers being answered and all prayers are answered through us; We are the door.
Okay then, what about Calvary? And Blood shed?
She went on to say we have to continue to open the door to all of the blessings that are in store for us and scream profanity, punch a boxing bag, hit a pillow with a tennis racket, or twist a towel to spill out all of our anger and rage that is resistant to opening the door.
Crickets...At this point, I am asking the Holy Spirit to speak. I waited for her to say God's name but she kept talking about how WE are the answer to our prayers. We have to become bigger. We open the door to our destiny. Oh Lord, humble me.
I walked out with a heavy heart. I believe in acceptance I believe in compassion. I believe in community. But I don't believe we can do it alone. I don't believe I'm in control.
I believe He is the Truth, The Way, and The Life. And Life is hard. I need Him by my side.

Are you looking inward or upward?

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