Monday, February 23, 2009

Tick, Tick, Tick, Bang

"Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law." Psalm 119:18

There is an old Southern Baptist saying that goes like this here, “Hurry up, we gotta get to church early so we can get a good seat in the back.”

I am wondering how long I am going to be able to keep up this pace. Ever since I’ve had control of an alarm clock and motorized vehicle…I've been on time. Easily and obnoxiously, the first to arrive at a dinner party and an expert reviewer of opening acts. This gridlock issue has had a calming effect on me. If for some reason I am running late, my heart beats uncontrollably, my palms sweat profusely, and often have stuttered speech. Not what you would call laid back.
But by New York standards, I'm a slooow southerner. And that's pushing it.

Here it is two-fold. While I do understand it is nearly impossible in the time and space continuum but time may move faster here in Manhattan. Yes, it could be it's mass has a stronger influence on the movement of time. At least that is what my neurosis is trying to convince me as I am perpetually running late.
I can't get my wits about me..the moment my eyes open, I am rushing. I’m rushing my what should be a delicate and slow process of a French press coffee, rushing to dry my hair so my head doesn't freeze and fall off (a process I am just learning), rushing to get my body out the door, And the second I do, I’m thrown into the mix as it turns out everyone else is rushing too.
The Empire State Building changes it's light colors nearly every day. It is the most amazing spectacle as it is a focal point landmark of the Manhattan skyline. Awe-inspiring the tower has variety of color combinations to honor national holidays and events of interest to New Yorkers and can be seen near and far. It is truly something to be noticed.
Tonight as I was driving (being driven rather), I looked up and saw it's gorgeous green and blue hues shining a quarter of a mile high in the sky and I promised myself at that very moment, I would decelerate. I'll still hustle but ease the foot race of skipping stairs as I hear the subway screeching to a halt, slacken my fast forward pace and drink it all in...
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Ferris Bueller

Are you so trigger happy, you're missing the target?

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