Monday, February 16, 2009

Sometimes, She Cries

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall."Isaiah 40:30

As if Life isn't difficult enough, then you have to add the element of people.
I'm exhausted. Forgive me, it's not from hard labor or long hours. I'm just weary from the fight. The fight of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. The conflict between Mars and Venus. The struggle with family opinion and life desire. I'm tired of being misunderstood. I'm drained by people's judgement. I'm collapsing from my care taking. Consumed with learning a new culture.
Frankly, my feet are fatigued and covered with blisters.
It is time to Clean House!! Literally and Figuratively.
Today, this peach is pooped.

My new writing job is freelance. That means when I wake up in the morn, I can stay in my robe and write , or more likely (in my case) be distracted from writing up until deadline.
This is an unbelievable blessing and dangerous curse.
Needing human contact, I decided to load my very antiquated ten pounder PC and all my assigned books into a carry all and schlep it to the New York Public Library on 42nd Street. Nine subway stops later and my normal guesstimate of East and West gone wrong, I walked past the lions, up the marble steps to the iron doors. OH, News Flash. It's President's Day, one of the few days this library closes it's entrance. I plopped my butt down on the 25 degree steps and laughed. I had a plan. Meanwhile my aching shoulder wished I could afford an Apple.

In the last few days I have read five children books dealing with financial struggles and now I have to create a prototype blog of four people (whom I have never met) having a conversation about these books while providing overview, insight, and fodder for students and teachers alike, all in a situation that feels like a cozy kitchen table chat.
Uh, if you've been reading my blog, you see I already have enough voices and opinions in my own psyche and now I have to create more. Kind of like a climatic Sybil...And I get payed for losing my mind. Zoiks!
All complaining aside, I sought this. And I am up to the challenge. I came here with the prayer in my heart to write and that is what the Lord has given me. But I can not tell a lie, on days like today I question my motives.

While looking to the unknown path ahead at times makes me sleepy, gazing back at the trail I've left behind strengthens me. And I feel it's the right road. Even if it's causing bunions.

How much life are you living, how much are you lending?

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