Saturday, May 16, 2009

Let Love Rule

"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." 
Matthew 18:4

I'm so tired of being alone. I'm so tired on my own. Won't you help me... Rev. Al Green

What is your strongest desire? What consumes your heart? Your wants and needs?
I am going to go out on a limb and say that it is for someone else to know what lifts your spirits, feeds you mind, and what buttons to push to make you sing, sad, and satisfied. 
To have this kind of intense connection with another flesh and blood,  you need stability, stamina, grace, and oh the hardest, humility.

In humbleness we are weak and vulnerable. We are admitting our frailties, our shortcomings, our lack. We are confessing we were were wrong and can't do it alone. We are surrendering our pride, our control. We're opening ourselves for the hardest of hits. We're exposing all of us. This does not come easy for any of us, but in my decades of up close and personal, I am wondering if that task is amplified for the male species.

A co-worker at the ole' designer department store and I were talking about our Salvation and shared belief in Jesus Christ. (surprise, another one) She told me when I deliberately chose to move to New York City, I chose the biggest mission field. There will be more temptations, more sabotagers, and greater evils in my path than ever before. And that the city itself will test my faith. And more so my marraige.
She went on to say with all the passionate and ill fated relationships she's experienced, not a solitary one of them could surrender.
Not one of them had the strength.....

I've always said no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand.
And that's true. But surrendering to the Lord's wants and my wants are often in conflict.

I'm utterly dismayed. Swinging in a carport. It's 2 AM and raining. I'm locked out of my house. Confused and sore at the thought of sleeping in a car. 

And wondering if women quit being the voice of reason,
What would happen to unions?

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