Saturday, June 6, 2009

Food Diary

"He made him ride on the heights of the land  and fed him with the fruit of the field.  He nourished him with honey from the rock, and with oil from the flinty crag, with curds and milk from herd and flock and with fattened lambs and goats, fresh kernels of wheat. You drank from the foaming blood of the grape." Deuteronomy 32:13-14

A little more Old Testament to keep it bizarre and interesting.
After stepping over sleepers and stumbling home to find the deadbolt locked, knock...knock..knock., I rolled in to bed at 4 AM only to listen to the bridge and tunnel goers at Santo's nightclub scream profanities at each other and over the dumpsters crashing and scraping metal against metal.....
Finally passed out to wake at a quarter past noon. Where has my semi-sunny day gone?
The only item on the Saturday agenda. A hot, sweaty, mind-clearing, calorie busting run....

Ahh the glorious but dangerous blessing of crafty.

Craft service refers to the catering done for the cast, crew, and extras working for film and television production companies. A craft service table is a table of snacks set up either on set or on location. Cast, crew, and extras choose snacks and beverages from the table buffet-style. You know the one prima donna Christian Bale refers to....He wants his f'ing  glazed donuts...
This is different from catering as that occurs every 6-8 hours of shooting (if you're lucky) and is a sitdown meal.....
OH but Crafty is constant from call time to wrap and changes periodically. The variety of the food depends on the budget of the production and consists of a healthy mix of sustenance and junk. Coffee, Juice, and endless bottles of H20. 
By advertising dollars alone and the fact that we all travel to Long Island and the Hampton's via a luxury wi-fi equipped tour bus, I'm guessing that Royal Pains has it's fair share of cash to throw around.  Not that they are throwing it a the principle's salaries. (no names at the moment)
When I am not on set and in between takes. I don't sit in holding. I hover by the craft services table. So much so the crew knows my name and my cravings....
Told that we should eat before we come...I ate a modest lunch and then hit the tent...I'm not crazy.

Yesterday 7PM:  Espresso and poppy seed cake. Blueberries and raw cashews.
9PM popcorn, celery, carrots and tomatoes and a two mini Take Five chocolate bar
10:30 hard cheese, salami, banana chips and wheat harvest crackers. 
midnight: cauliflower medley and buffalo mozzarella, green gum drops, roasted peanuts shell and all.
1AM "Don't you eat at home." Craft services attendant  Snag some corn chips and guacamole.
2:30 AM mini cheeseburgers and carrot cake ice cream sundaes
Wrap and two plums, one granola bar, and five snickers for the ride home....

Looking around at the Irish Italian gaffers, Polish camera ops and the load they're carrying in the front.
I wondering just how much I've gotta keep my energy up...

I don't care if you're full
Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it
Open up your mouth and feed it
Have some more yogurt, have some more spam
It doesn't matter if it's fresh or canned
Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it. Weird AL

What are your perks of the job?

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