Monday, June 8, 2009

Tsk. Tsk. Task.

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge, nor wisdom." Ecclesiastes 9:10

I'm trying to decide which subway performer amused me the most today.
The sorry a capella duo singing their rendition of:
Do do run run. De do run run.
Yeah he caught my eye...look who's in the White House, a black guy!
The 4 foot midget Michael Jackson impersonator banging it out to Billy Jean with his black sequin jacket fit for a baby doll.

Worked it Dawn to Dusk y'all. 
That's what 40 or so of us sunburned weary eyed souls who are heavily  loaded onto a bus heading back to the city did today. Goodbye North Shore Synagogue and hello lights of Broadway at a decent hour. Well that is after 15 hours of standing poolside attempting to emulate wealthy quasi friends of a Jewish Socialite next to the Woodcrest Country Club. 
I will fall asleep to Hava Nagila on strings and wind ringing in my ears. Promise.
Boarded the 6 train Uptown at 4:30 this morning. Stepped over a puddle of urine and changed seats away from the mad voyeur itching his socked feet.
 My Magic Hat #9's still fresh on my breath. MMMm. Head.
I had a good excuse for lingering at The Half Pint last night....

It is my understanding that British Genius Ricky Gervais already beat me to it..But it would be impossible to use ALL of the content created and capable by this sub world culture called Background.  I question my motives on the days when I start to feel like cattle...But continue to immerse myself...why. A novel. My fame. A paycheck. Sheer insaneness. To be a part of the trip. (i.e. Enjoy the company of a fellow actor who drops acid and dresses in drag while playing the Hookah Caterpillar.) 

Met a writer on set who reviews books for a living and does the television work as a social component of his often hermit lifestyle. After listening to his soothing voice, his method for inspiration, and his income, I told him I wanted his gig. Turns out, I have it. He is a literary writer for the Examiner. Okay, tie myself to the whipping post as I am not writing the way I should.CBS Sports has put out an open invitation to me for submission of articles and I have ideas. But I'm not putting pen to paper.In fact, I believe I am starting to land in a pile of bones tall to familiar in life.  New Yorkers come here to chase a star, ride the wave, live their desires, and fulfill their passions but WORK gets in the way.
 No guilt. Just time to fly right. And focus.

Which begs the question of a daily blog.
Substantial or Steadfast?

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