Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pick Up that Telephone...

"Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." Psalm 62:8

Lord, empty me so I can be filled with yo
You are so good....
I am still baffled as to how discontented people( me included) can continuously search for the magic formula in self-help books, counselors, new diets, trendy fads, life-coaches, fermented grapes in a bottle to finally clear up the problems...
When I should just be calling on the Lord every time. 
Here's the problem...sometimes there is a disconnect.

Prayers will be hindered because of a number of reasons. An unforgiving heart, disobedience. Or one, if your marriage is out of sync. This coming from Atlanta pastor, Michael Youseff in today's message.
 Quit reading the Relationship Rescue and How to's for a Perfect Marriage and follow this code....
"husbands are commanded to lovingly and humbly lead and wives to joyfully and loyally follow."
Can you dig it independent women? I called the man and said. Put my needs first, I  will agree with your decisions incessantly....

Time is on fast forward. Met my first cousin and her husband tonight on 45th street. They are visiting from Scotland with their new smiling baby flower. In our three decades on this Earth, we spent an entire week together (that's seven days) in the crazy mountains of Montana when we were prepubescent tomboys. Tonight, grown women realizing that blood and genes link you in the most similar of ways, we enjoyed each other and a balmy full moon night in Manhattan relishing over flat pasta and vino. And you know the Italian is good...Mario Batali was seated at table number one...pony tail and all.

There are some nights I am so lonely and question why in the hell I want to work so hard to live in such close quarters and spend so much. But as I put my darling family in a taxi and headed south...the orange moon shone down on Broadway and the shadow boxing shirtless man shuffled his way past me north.  The Lord said, Trust me. Wait, this is your time.

I'm glad He got through.

Okay, So no one's answering
Well can't you just let it ring a little longer longer longer oh oh oh
I'll just sit tight through shadows of the night
And let it ring for evermore.... ELO

Are your prayers unanswered?

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