Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Temporary Infatuation

"The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man." Psalm 115:16

Maybe it was my underground Chinese massage that has me so loose. Something about an open room rub down covered only by a towel to get me truly relaxed.

At the end of the day, I am always compelled to share another author's work that I admire versus describing my emotions in the form of a story or quote.
But I find the more I read or research, I am inspired daily by people's approach to our fleeting, fascinating life and encouraged by their courage to share these ideas. Therefore, I implore my own self and ego to dig deep and expel.
But first a word from the master that could so easily be mine:

"Well, you know, for some reason I’ve always had an irrational love for New York.But the city is so full of chaos, and the chaos is, for many people, pleasurable.I like to show people the city through my eyes, which are not realistic -- they’re highly romanticized. New York has always been a great object of romantic fantasy for me." Woody Allen

The thing about NYC is it's personal. And as I've mentioned before no one can share the same experience of the same thing. In my five short months here, I have conquered a significant but not even touched the possible.

Bike riding today along the Hudson all the way up to 60th past the mammoth Intrepid and by the 80's throwback skate park, it dawned on me, from the gritty to the gorgeous; my love for this city is undeniable even in it's hard imperfections.
The stains on the sidewalk, the cobblestones peaking through the asphalt,the steam rising from the subway grates, rusted fire escapes,  the wonderfully weird diverseness, the seagulls soaring reminding us all we are living on an island. Bodies strewn across the newly laid sod soaking up the short summer sun. Musician's sweet music , the marquis' bright lights. The charisma, the energy, the acceptance are hypnotic and even the sirens and sanitation truck have almost become a lullaby to me rocking me..... whole.
I am enveloped in the way a city has made me feel.
I crave more. I like me here.

Activity. The antithesis of idleness. Opportunity. the antithesis of Lack.
Manhattan is always ripe for the picking...
And it's the opposite of Easy.

My true citizenship may be in heaven, but this will do for now.

Have you ever known something to be so right?

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