Saturday, June 13, 2009

In the Membrane

"LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." Psalm 16:5

I can't see the screen. So my internal verbalization has a slim chance of translating to black and white typed words.
First, Friday. Two worlds collided and materialized into what I would just calla night living in New York City but what most would refer to INSANE.
From a rooftop in Tribeca with my dear West Indian  boys from the Virgin Islands dancing until 4 am to reggae and my best TV network memories to date. Reminiscing about "White Chocolate in Charge....and ahh our youth in the Caribbean.
Saturday, Another rooftop north and three bottles of champagne later with gay 60 something famous Virginia born women painter overlooking the Empire State Building on her 360 degree terrace with five other women justifying their need for a REAL New York man. While she weeps for our misdirection. She's been living, breathing,thriving, and muff diving for over 30 years....
I cried in her amazing living room with Monet's on the wall as she told me about all her publisher friends....and ME.

It's been a hell of a God Blessed intense filled weekend.
Thank God tomorrow's only Sunday.
It's as if all the misfits afraid of suffocating in their hometowns came and planted roots in Manhattan. And their here. Their queer. Get used to it.

Quit talking about security.

In a New York Minute
Everything can change
In a New York Minute
Things can get a little strange..Don Henley

It's 3 AM, are you really going to hold me accountable?

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