Sunday, June 14, 2009

Play the Game

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24

"Mom, you're embarrassing me."
"Honey, it's New York. I can't"
Mother Daughter street exchange I overheard on my way to Forefront Church this fuzzy morn.

I am not sure what I wrote about yesterday that has google advertising how to find married partners that are willing to cheat...but I'm NOT happy about it. If I wasn't of adequate sound mind I would venture to say Google scanned my inner thoughts  and through osmosis determined what I would write about today and is two steps ahead of me. But then again, I'm not writing about cheating, rather the unimaginable, peculiar, almost comical world of dating in New York City. So scratch that.
Turns out, Candace Bushnell wasn't making this stuff up. It was good ole' fashioned experimental research

Oh the passion that burns in all of us to be bonded and supported by another.

The Scene: Zampa WineBar and Kitchen, Meat Packing District Saturday night
The Players: (names have been changed) 30 somethings
 Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte
The Event: Samantha's 36th Birthday dinner
The Topic: Millionaire Matchmaker and other dating techniques/ploys/theatrics

Rule 1: The millionaire can only have 2 drinks maximum in an evening out.
Rule 2: He must provide/purchase dinner.
Rule 3: The woman can not demand gifts
Rule 4: Can not under any circumstances hook Up until you've been dating for 90 days.
Rule 5: He must have a net worth value of one million dollars

One woman went out with a short balding Italian man who picked her up in a limo for weeks but who's mammoth bodybuilder driver was the one who walked her to and from her door every night. All of the dinner's were apparently prepaid as she never, not once laid eyes on a bill. And no money was ever exchanged.
Another woman joined a dating service where men only wanted to wine and dine and NEVER touch.  She insisted to the group of us that for two solid months she endured hideous conversation but the most deccadent divine meals imaginable, gained 10 pounds, and the man kept his hands to himself. He kept calling. She went on a diet.

On my blurry train ride home after a magical champagne with a view penthouse night with gals, I talked and consoled a guy from Coney Island taking the long train home after a less than stellar date. He told me he expected more.  He was tired of the dating scene and just wanted to meet a similar mind and heart. And how hard it was to find a woman that wants to commit.

I don't know. There seems to be a huge gaping disconnect here between man and woman.
I'm so glad I am a privy observer versus a player but something has to give as it all seems to get lost in translation and we're pushing against a raging force that won't give....The relentless desire to be with another but the unwillingness to surrender.

Give me one pure and holy passion
Give me one magnificent obsession
Give me one glorious ambition for my life
To know and follow hard after you
To know and follow hard after you
To grow as your disciple in the truth
This world is empty, pale, and poor
Compared to knowing you my Lord
Lead me on and I will run after you

It's good to know what you want.
Hot and bothered Sextexts with the hub. Sunset ankle deep in the tall grass on the Hudson, a dear single marry able type. Wine, dinner, fresh whipped cream and berries, Jamaica flag colors view with friends, and the end to a blessed weekend and the start to my goodbye.
Sendoff with style.

It is good to be known, but isn't it better to be loved?

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