Tuesday, July 21, 2009


 “I said, "Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest-“Psalm 55:6

I recently found a letter I wrote to Jesus when I was 7 years old in a box of dusty keepsakes in storage.  Upon examining the try hard phonics on the faded floral stationary, I realized I must have recently watched my all time fave  blue eyed Superman  as I was humbly and most earnestly asking my Lord and Savior to please grant me the will to fly. I even appealed to the good Samaritan side  with a philanthropic approach and said I would be willing to grant any of my friends rides to and fro from our meek schoolyard.. I was so adamant in my request that I promised Him I would love Him more and longer than I had ever before if only He would grant me wings….And I meant it. 

Fast forward, four years into a marriage roughed up and rocked … New lines in my face. Today basically ended a four year litigation fight and vigilant prayer warrioring vigil against the absolute corrupt and crooked  lying  sacks of shits in southern suits called Wachovia Bank Executives who raped me over an illegal loan and stole an obscene amount of money all in the vain called breach of fiduciary duty and lining their sticky and stained  seersucker pockets.… Number one is customer service??? Kiss my ass. Columbus Georgia crew, Ronnie Bridges, Beth Brown, Chuck Nobes and Bruce Starks. (Wachovia customers take your money and run!) 

A bottle of white wine later as happy hour started early. I am resigned to the fact that I must start over and the only place I can even conceive worthy is New York City. The keys to an absolutely amazing 400 square feet studio with a less than human size bed in East Village were victoriously handed over today. And I bowed my head in thanksgiving. August can’t come soon enough. 
Here is the deal. This  is not where I thought I would be. I have run as long as I can run. I’m depleted . But I know that I have been faithfully talking to my my King of Kings and asking His Will to be Done in all of this all along the way..  I won't fly but I hope he will carry me.

" When the shadows of this life have gone, I'll fly away; Like a bird from prison bars has flown, I'll fly away. I'll fly away, Oh Glory I'll fly away in the morning When I die, Hallelujah, by and by, I'll fly away I'll fly away.   Just a few more weary days and then, I'll fly away; To a land where joy shall never end, I'll fly away..." Allison Krauss

Can He come soon enough??

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