Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Beep Beep Yeah

"Hear that uproar from the city, hear that noise from the temple! It is the sound of the LORD repaying his enemies all they deserve." Isaiah 66:6

Obama is being extremely timid and know one knows why..(Upcoming election? Healthcare bill? Lack of experience?) The Taliban is catapulting violence in our face and gaining force. Do we want the terrorist organization to take over Afghanistan? And become one step closer to us? Hell, even Ralph Nader calls him weak and incapable of standing up and protecting the American people.

I am not a happy girl.
I've heard of "acoustic bombardment" being the latest torture technique in questioning detainees. But I know a surefire way to bring em down to their knees and it has nothing to do with Britney Spears sampled tracks.

AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to authorizing the imposition of monetary penalties upon a registered owner of a motor vehicle engaged in excessive horn honking.

Purpose: To authorize any city with a population of one million or more to adopt and amend a local law or ordinance imposing fines on the owner of a vehicle for failure to comply with any local law prohibiting unnecessary horn honking. The summonses will be issued to the owner of the vehicle rather than to the driver and need not be served personally. Exceptions are made when the vehicle is clearly not under the responsibility and control of the owner (stolen vehicle, rented or leased vehicle).

Section 2: This act shall take effect immediately.

That's $350 fine to anyone who lays on the honker.

My day you ask?
Pouring Rain
Delivery Truck Day
Macho Contractors
Antique crystal chandeliers
Russian common language
One Way Streets
HORNS...fucking HORNS!
All day long.

Arrived at my simple and most bizarre audition to date soaking wet with a blaring headache... a flashback of a mother (me) committing suicide over from a broken heart and my bastard estranged adulterous husband. I drowned myself in a lake in the Catskills...(uh, it's October).
Despite the fact that I want to kill every single driver of any and all moving vehicles with four wheels. I'm not so far gone that want to off myself.
I told them comedies are more my style and left to drowned myself in Pinot.

Will someone please make the lambs stop crying?

1 comment:

  1. They totally borrowed this law from China, but I'm betting NY will enforce it much better than the oblivious to noise Chinese.
