Sunday, October 18, 2009

Impenetrable Shell

"Like one who seizes a dog by the ears is a passer-by who meddles in a quarrel not his own." Proverbs 26:17

Woke up humming on the Oyster Bay Line.
"The New Times, the Daily News.. Ohhh.
It comes down to reality, which is fine with me,
cause I've let is slide."
Lying down SCREAMING....
"You can speak your mind
But not on my time.
I don't need you to tell me it's time to come home.
I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life
Go ahead with your own life, leave me alone." BJ

What's up with the direction in life people think I should be taking...
Haven't they heard the saying everyone has their own path?
Or is misery loves company the only one that rings a bell?
Let it be known, mine is a follower of Jesus on a less than broad course at a pace I set.
And sometimes I like to be ALONE.

And moreover, what's this conspiracy about me and my husband living in Brooklyn?
It's as though the foot loose and fancy free singles are trying to push all of us coupled off could be stroller pushers to the city's equivalent of the suburbs. Encouraging us with the ample space and tempting us with the possible quarter of a postage stamp mud yard. Standing there with pity in their knowing eyes that we have settled down to a lifetime of boring sex saying the phrase. "Shhh, Baby is Sleeping."

No thanks. I'll pass. I have years to stay home all weekend in sweatpants discussing poopy diapers, carpool drool, first steps, and pining for the days I slept through the night....
But for now I'll take Manhattan. I'll remain out or crawl in . I'll work thirteen hours a day. I'll sleep for more. I will shop for the pair of us. I'll drink two three cups of coffee and or wine in the daylight hours.
I'll squeeze in between the strollers traversing neck and neck down the narrow avenues and I'll run ahead. I will live my dream for me and my family of two I've already started. And I will recoil and retract like a scared turtle and shut down if people continue to try to dictate my choices to serve their purpose or bruised egos.

And finally. The obsession with when and if I will procreate has me baffled.
Traveled to Long Island for a friend's baby's baptism this AM. In between the children's children's children sipping bloody Mary's in between screams, cries, and giggles, I stood there rocking a newborn.
The gracious host who raised seven, grabs my precious cargo filled arm and says,"You look good with a baby, you should get started," meanwhile her significant other who has afforded himself a restored vintage Morgan in his garage, a breathtaking schooner in the bay, and yearly bare boat cruises in the French Polynesia tells me "it's never a good time to have children, you just do it."
And instead of replying with my normal someday...
I gave him my best New Yorker cartoon caption comeback.
"I'm not comfortable bringing a child into this income."

Issue circumvented.

If your learning to face your path at your pace, isn't every choice worth your while?
-Indigo Girls

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