Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Flora and Fame

"All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." 1 Peter 24-25

"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nan

Here's what is fun. Spending money.
Here's what' s more fun: Spending other people's money.

Now I have the slightest understanding of what got Bernie Madoff's rocks off...
And a clearer picture of why people continue to vote Democrat.

Being the dutiful employee, I met my boss this morning in the gritty petal covered streets of New York City's century old Flower District. Not a bad place to start a crisp sunny morning. Walking more than a city block though a verdant and fragrant floral oasis, I caught my first glimpse and scent of fall colors. Not just Chrysanthemums, Black Eyed Susan's, and Golden Rod but an abundance of Amaryllis', Gerber's, Peonies, Lillie's, Irises, Hydrangeas, Sunflowers, and Grapevine, all colorfully crowded the bustling sidewalk of West 28th competing with the men unloading pallets of waxy green leafed plants from South America and the southern like.
Absolutely taken with the breathtaking scenery it was hard to believe they had already been 'picked over' by the early bird florists and restaurateurs there well before sunrise.
Rushing to get ahead of the second wave...we frantically began our mission:
To buy in plenty for clients.
For the first time with every swipe of the credit card, I felt at ease.
Ceramic pots, dripping jade, reaching palms, blown glass ornamentals, sweet succulents, bundled roses, budding orchids, lucky money plants all rung up, bagged up, and shipped to the proud new owners...
And then on to luxury bedding...cotton, cashmere, silk, bamboo, linen... You get the picture.

My decadent day received a topped off cherry evening end as my best "serious Mariska-like face" filled the small silver screen in an SVU jury box.

Between the two, I'm at a loss as to which brought the most joy...

You know. I think he was right when he sang.."You belong among the Wildflowers." TP

Is any of it worth it, if it all fades?

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