Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Crop Worth Keeping

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30

For a brief moment in my childhood, my Christian parent's decided that we would not recognize Pagan holidays nor their traditions. Therefore Christmas morning we gathered close together around the foot of their king sized bed and opened our presents.
This made some sense at the time.

Halloween was also a no no. As it was a celebration of all things macabre. Something about glorifying Satan, demons, and witches didn't exactly bring honor to our God...

When that phase soon came to pass , we hung lights on the beloved Christmas Tree honoring that Jesus was the light of the world and I was allowed to trick or treat with all the other what? The Peace Dove of course.
My mom sewed my white cotton fabric and felt beak and glued an olive branch in the middle.
I came in peace.

Duane Allman of southern rock band Allman Brothers was asked a question about his views and thoughts on the Vietnam War and the upheaval in America. The interviewee called it a revolution. He replied that it wasn't a revolution, but evolution and plays a part. Every time he goes back to his home state of Georgia, he eats a Peach for Peace. He died days later.

Today, All Hallow's Even, the Eve before All Saint's Day, I laboriously cut peach silk fabric, sewed peach fuzzy gauze to the edges. Stuffed my middle full of down and donned the top of my head with two Hasta leaves from Thompson Square Park.
I'm a peach ya'll through and through and a walking advertisement in the streets of New York.
My message remains the same. He is the Everlasting God. The Seed, the Soil, the Sun, the Rain, the fruit, the fun.
Let the Halloween Revelry Begin.

Harvest is over. Who's hungry?

Don't we all need a little fresh slice of fleshy ripe peach?
The boys in New York sure think so.

1 comment:

  1. I can see why! You are one hot little peach, momma! xo
